Back to Debian


My distro cycle continues, back to Debian I go. Installing my old SSD’s into my new box, Ubuntu wouldn’t load correctly with the display unusable… Manjaro funnily enough was OK. After recently backing up my Home directory it motivated me to make a clean OS install. I’ve read great things of Mint over the years, claims of its usability and security, but I didn’t last one day until I switched…

nova gaming pc


I have finally upgraded my PC, to an 11th Gen 11700K + RTX 3060 AMP White Limited Edition For a long time I was sick of my old Frankenstein box shutting down on me, now I have one that feels like a Ferrari in comparison, and allows me to play games at ultra settings 🙂 So what did I get for my cash? Sick of the AMD chipset straining in…

Three iconic cities, three epic stories. Play the genre-defining classics of the original Grand Theft Auto Trilogy: Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas updated for a new generation, now with across-the-board enhancements including brilliant new lighting and environmental upgrades, high-resolution textures, increased draw distances, Grand Theft Auto V-style controls and targeting, and much more, bringing these beloved worlds to life with…

I’ve swam with humpback whales, turtles, stingray, & sharks. Traveled up the Mekong to see Irwady doliphins, been out on a couple of dolphin and whale safari’s where I’ve had the privilege of seeing pods of dolphons 50+ in size, and Southern Bryde’s Whales. Orca have been on my bucket list for a long time, and in the last couple of weeks I’ve had the pleasure of seeing them three…

pi drama


Alerted by my darling wife yesterday that Arlo had stopped working, this usually means that the Raspberry Pi that runs Pi-Hole needs restarting… never looked into the issue, as this is few and far between. Checked my Twitter feed @DataAugmented, as a couple of python scripts that I have running on the same Pi post & retweet there… no activity for over 24 hours, bugger :p Reboot Pi… it hangs…

This week after 3 years I’ve finished and fallen for Spider-Man. Non-ironically it’s Marvelous, the story & characters are both familiar and novel, the combat slick with a variety of styles. I’ve loved Spidey titles since early incarnations on the original PlayStation, when it shared an engine with Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater… coincidence that I’m playing modern day recreations of both today 🙂 The one thought that I took away,…

I’ve recently discovered that I love rogue like games! Think I may have enjoyed them for a while, just never knew that I was enjoying them 🙂 But Hades is something different… so what works? The progressive epic novel like story It just keeps getting deeper, and richer! The story builds in layers; per play, per encounters, per success. Each increment of exploration expands another aspect of the narrative. The…