street fighter ii animated movie
A must see for any Street Fighter fans, a great summary of the characters back story, much better than the original live action movie… less said about that the better 🙂
A must see for any Street Fighter fans, a great summary of the characters back story, much better than the original live action movie… less said about that the better 🙂
This for me is the Next Gen war over, how can the XBONE triumph over this? Given the track record to date with SFIV on the PC, and poor connection issues, it looks like I will be picking up a PS4… pity my fightstick is for the XBOX 🙁 This truly looks like a work of art, and moves so fast, I’m eager to play!
I found a paste bin with the following USFIV Prize Codes 🙂 Am I missing any? Chocolate-Chip Cookie – 2592B6JIV6CR49 Angry Dog – LPTPV4J9PMLW5B Capcom Fighter – 8TGIXJVLEKEHG8 Best Combo – 82SPR56FW3JX48 Cheers! – 0QLBUU3LB7R8WO Pro Animator – T9N4MH7IIHT3R0 Breath of Summer – H3EO9O5MZTCMLQ Justice till the End – 1H98PF2079P43T Better Luck Next Time! – M42OLW0IHGLGMJ Lightning Blast – XVCXTA1Y16R9AG Bold Cat – OFU11HD1VC3TJ5 Absolute Drama – W0ZSV5SYW2ZEEJ Skillful Brother…
The coolest original content on YouTube, ever: Alpha – Street Fighter Assassin’s Fist (link updated 20200731) As a fan of the game series, and one who appreciates martial arts, this rocks! 12 episodes of live action Street Fighter 🙂 Written and directed by Joey Ansah (who also plays the role of Akuma), Assassin’s Fist focuses on the early days of Street Fighter mainstays Ryu and Ken. Though perhaps not intentional,…
I recieved a Sanwa octaganol plate for my my Madcatz Fightstick Pro today, from an Ebay purchase. Not sure of how it will change my Street Fighter game play, but I am keen to give it a try 🙂 One issue, I can’t get the back plate off of the joystick to fit it 🙂
Cyanide and Happiness and Street Fighter, Monday’s don’t get much better 🙂 Cyanide & Happiness @ Cyanide and Happiness added to RSS feed
Have to wait for 6 months, but here’s the trailer. This has been milked by Capcom, and considering I might switch from xbox to Steam for this release… if it runs on Linux then it’s a no brainer 🙂 Sad that I’m more excited by the nerfs and power mods than I am by the new characters.
[rating:4] Article at SRK tells how over the next month Capcom are requesting suggestions from the SF gaming community, on changes they can make to characters and game play on the next game update. I hope they’re giving this one away free & we son’t have to shell out for a 4th revision of this SF incarnation! But the discussion at SRK is on more characters; so what can we…
I’ve played a few versions of Mortal Kombat over the years, but it always seemed to me more of a button spamming game, with over powerful simple moves aka the uppercut. I’ve always been more of a fan of the Street Fighter series. Anyway I was intrigued with the 9th incarnation of Mortal Kombat & had read a couple of reviews stating it was a quality release. ign gamespot And…
Ever since my early teens I’ve been an avid fan of the Street Fighter series. Too many college lectures were missed as I was in situ at my local arcade playing SSFii or some bootleg Hyper version. (Remember the fireballs that would bounce across the screen?) 70 British pounds I paid for an extremely rare import copy of the first Sega Megadrive (aka Genesis) console. I then had to wait…