Alpha – Street Fighter Assassin’s Fist
The coolest original content on YouTube, ever: Alpha – Street Fighter Assassin’s Fist
(link updated 20200731)
As a fan of the game series, and one who appreciates martial arts, this rocks!
12 episodes of live action Street Fighter 🙂
Written and directed by Joey Ansah (who also plays the role of Akuma), Assassin’s Fist focuses on the early days of Street Fighter mainstays Ryu and Ken. Though perhaps not intentional, this is a clever storytelling decision that allows Ansah to focus on a key piece of the Street Fighter mythos without having to find some convoluted way to include the rest of the series’ cast. It also removes the need to film in numerous locations, a feat the crowdfunded web series likely couldn’t afford.
I am so excited by this production, better than any attempt of Street Fighter films in the past… although including Kylie, as Cammy, was a stroke of masterpiece 😉
It’s an effective motivator to play more shoryuken characters!
Films don’t get any better than this!
[rating: 5]