This is so true and currently RL relevant
This is so true and currently RL relevant
There must be a portable version ‘cos I hear this everywhere!
This is going to be posted so often on social media pages… could it be a catalyst to stop the petty corrections in spelling and grammer? Nah, I don’t think so either 🙂
This is the greatest thing ever, it solves the headache I have to encounter on a weekly basis organising calls across Asia, USA, and the Pacific. How do I go about nominating xkcd for a Nobel Peace prize for this work of genius?
I’m not sure where this space was embedded, and neither are the posters at xkcd forums, although there are some cute ideas. Although quite ironic that I found there non linked space while they were discussing it being less popular 🙂 One of the posts there toolk me back to my first infatuation with the web, and the now resurrected Spooky’s Unexplained Mysteries and X-Files Chat Room
We all have someone that we’d like to introduce to this new app
From a Tolkien fan, and one who’s playing several mono coloured arcde games currently, this pleased me 🙂 xkcd It reminds me of playing fantasy RPG’s as a kid *cough* young adult, usually MERP or Role Master ; my friend would always play an Halfling,with a greater war horse named Bill.
If people would encrypt, I don’t care what platform they use 🙂
xkcd, NASA and KSP… these guys know how to generate traffic 🙂