Now I’m in a tough spot, I’ve been playing this on and off from release, at 66 years old at The Sanctuary… and now because of this patch I have options! I’ve just played through The Club to check out the new suit, had a hussle in the training room, but now I’m tempted to start a new game on easy with the female protagonist, and see how far I…

Monday evening NZT, this has been my favourite time of the week for the past month… new Gran Turismo 7 Daily Races! Race A Suzuka Cirucit – BOP – GR86 RZ ’21 & BRZ S ’21 Race B Interlagos – BOP – Gr.3 Race C Fuji Speedway GT-R Nismo GT500 ’16 / RC F GT500 ’16 / NSX Concept-GT ’16 Where are you going, what are you to drive first?

Haven’t posted in a while… mainly due to Gran Turismo 7! What a awesome way to pass time, I’ve hooked, and it’s taking me back to Y2K… but that will be another post I’ve developed a love for Rogue games… again another post I should wite My OnePlus6T Android mobile stopped charging, so I’ve picked up a OnePlus9… as they say in Thailand; Same, Same, but Better A Python script…

So fighting one battle, I was tapping away at L2, shooting our Reduvia’s special… and then snap! I felt the trigger give way beneath my left index finger! After decades of gaming, I’ve finally encountered an input device that has given way… keyboard coffee & wine spills excluded. The issue is apparently well known, and widely experienced, springs breaking that hold the adaptive triggers in place. After going through the…

This is my own ongoing Elden Ring PS5 FAQ, of things I searched for while first playing the game, hope others find it of use. How to quickly mount torrent On the equipment screen, once you have the Spectral Steed Whistle, at the bottom of screen in quickselect item slots. You should see your Flask of Crimson Tears and Flask of Cerulean Tears in the first two slots. Find an…

Sifu at the start of the month, Horizon last weekend, Elden Ring today, Gran Turismo 7 less than a week away! So spoiled with impressive titles, how cool is this! Currently enduring the FormSoftware pain of Elden Rings… tbh it’s Dark Souls 3 in a open World, but what about that is not to love? Enjoying the mechanic of being able to walk around foes, knowing I’ll come back one…

I’ve been waiting for this SloClap title for a long time, and I’m so stoked with what has been delivered: varied vicereal combat, which flows like a q tip track Absolver was intersting, and fun… to an extent, but Sifu takes it to a higher plane. A linear, rogue esq title, that reivents perks, and takes beat ’em ups to another level. Fighting games now have a new benchmark, and…

Together with Gamer Pass on my PC, and access to a NA PS Now, I’ve been content, and swamped in games! I’ve been enjoying smaller Indie titles, specifically of the rougue genre… I blame Hades for this attraction; maybe the seed was planted originally by Neon Chrome back in 2017? Here’s a snapshot of what I’ve been playing, just on the PS5 Dirt 5 (pumped drifting) F1 2020 (didn’t expect…

GTA launched back in 2013, shocking, nearly a decade ago, and I’ve just found how to play PS5 GTAV Online Offline I’ll mention this at the start for you to keep it in mind: Be mindful of these changes, set MTU Settings back to Automatic when you’ve finished I didn’t play online for along time as my internet connection wasn’t viable, now when I try and play I get rolled…

Back to Debian


My distro cycle continues, back to Debian I go. Installing my old SSD’s into my new box, Ubuntu wouldn’t load correctly with the display unusable… Manjaro funnily enough was OK. After recently backing up my Home directory it motivated me to make a clean OS install. I’ve read great things of Mint over the years, claims of its usability and security, but I didn’t last one day until I switched…