Just started playing through the 3rd gen version of Castlevania on the PS3 As a Sega console owner, never Nintendo; I missed out on the first launch. I always assumed it was a platform style puzzle & was never interested. Will have to check out an out ninty rom I picked up the PS3 version a couple of weekends ago, solely because of the big beasts portrayed on the back…

I read this the other day & I’m shocked… well more disappointed. Google are apparently going to close accounts where users don’t use their real names. I don’t know how they can determine what name is real or not; until I closed my Facebook account I was known as Xain Zedong Jnr III 🙂 Google claim this is so “freinds & family” can find us. If I wanted to speak…

I’m really enjoying Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II The graphics are fantastic, better than FFXIII for the FMV sections. Then why oh why do the stars have to be wallpapered on in repeated sections? An easter egg back to the original film? I’m easily distracted now in each space scene, & it’s Star Wars, there are several :), looking for the pattern & missing out on the great graphics…

When something is presented to me which would make my gaming more comfortable, enjoyable & competitive, I’ll certainly look at the merits. So todays 2nd package had me quite excited… enough to bail on the gym & boot up my Xbox, to try out my new Avenger. This cool adapter clips onto a standard xbox 360 controller & allows you to press the face buttons (XYB), using you index fingers,…

I received two parcels at work today. One contained my order from Ubuntu, some cool geek, subtlety labeled t-shirts & a hoodie + this tactile flexi spill proof keyboard… The only thing to truly compare it to is a zx spectrum 48k. The keys, although as mentioned are sensually tactile, I find letters are being skipped… this is the 1st thing I’ve typed using it tho, & I use a…

I’ve played a few versions of Mortal Kombat over the years, but it always seemed to me more of a button spamming game, with over powerful simple moves aka the uppercut. I’ve always been more of a fan of the Street Fighter series. Anyway I was intrigued with the 9th incarnation of Mortal Kombat & had read a couple of reviews stating it was a quality release. ign gamespot And…

Shock horror, more earth quakes in the shaky isles today. They are coming more frequent, & closer to home… but I was concerned this time, as my dearest, better looking, other is down at the recent epicenter, of this years quakes. She’s OK, Christchurch wasn’t affected by this last roll of the Earth’s crust… it was more centered on where I’m heading tomorrow 🙂 So I refered to the same…

geek chic


I’ve been looking at Ubuntu hoodies for a while, & as the exchange rate is favourable I finally forked out. & I picked up a flexible keyboard, for a fraction of the price I paid for my darling wife’s wireless shiny stylish iPad keyboard… I do love the design of the apple peripheral… it’s just apple! I’ve lost too many desktop items to spillages… & this keyboard reminds me of…

sarcasm font


For years, probably since I started using email at work (back in the late ’90’s) my communications have sometimes been mis-read… to the detriment of my intended meaning. I often joke at work, all tongue in cheek, never intend to cause harm or offence. But irony & sarcasm can be hard to pick up in an email & sometimes people can get upset. I’ve been a big fan of emoticons;…