We all know of the Easter egg in gaming like the cake room in portal or the headless ghostin skyrim but they have all been found quickly. Notch-the creater of minecraft- says that there is a easter egg in minecraft. Not just that but it has been in their for over a year! What is it… A crafting recipe maybe herobrine. The thing is no-ones found out.

What is a texture pack? A texture pack is a upgrade -or downgrade- in graphics which can improve the fps or make your game look fancy. Painterly pack This is a high textured customizable  pack. With easy to use custom choices and mod support.  The website is http://painterlypack.net/ Photo realism pack   WARNING- This is very high textured! Crashes may occur. This pack is hd and is amazing! If you like realism you…

I requested a post from, my then, pre-teen nephew, about what games he was playing and what he enjoyed, here’s his eloquent reasoned response 🙂 Me and my friends have recently been noticing the change in gaming graphics, and I decided to collect my favourite retro games. 5. X-Com – OK there is not a great fan base for this game and it did die out quick but this game…

I can’t believe it took me so long to find GreaseMonkey, from Greasepot: Greasemonkey is a user script manager. It is an extension for the Firefox web browser. So what does it do? It adds user created functionality to the web sites you use. Very easy to use: install the firefox plugin  search userscripts.org click install The 1st script I tried deleted all of my 6 months posts on Reddit.…

Lots on since Novemeber: had to do a dash back to Blighty totally un-impressed with MW3 lvl 81 ~300 hours into Skyrim discovered the eloquent Scroobious Pip picked up playing the stylophone More posts soon, wish I’d kept a blog of my Skyrim activity.

Minecraft is a smash hit game made by team mojang and this is just a little tutorial on surviving,building and living in a easy fashion 1. What to do first?- As soon as you enter the world you need to knock down trees.Take down around 3 trees then start to craft 1. Enemy’s- There are multiple enemys in the game and these are a few- creeper- Green stick like creature…

some are fantastic! Long time no post, games & work taking up my time & we don’t talk of my newly found reddit affliction. The one game that has been taking up a copious amount of my gaming hours as been Square Enix’s beautiful celebration of Gibson’s prose, Deus Ex – Human Revolution. As a teenage roleplay junkie, who grew up spending my evenings mesmerised reading Cyberpunk source books &…

X-Butt 360


I’ve been a little lapse adding posts lately, working down country (PSP time) & gratuitous gaming have kept me away. When I set up this blog, I also built a few twitter feeds, to keep me up to date with what’s happening in the geek World. Each of these then filters into #GamerGeekNews. So while setting up #XboxGeekNews, I searched Google for an image to use as an avatar… key…