Issues with the PS5
So I’m generally enjoying the PS5, even with the lack of new titles, but I still have enough to keep me busy 🙂
- Elite dangerous
- ‘ll get to near the end of a multi jump journey & the games crashes… I lose all of my discovery data
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare
- I’ve tried several times, I just can’t install the packages needed to play online multiplayer, even after downloading 100’s of gigs of data
- Crew 2
- PS5 claims it’s downloaded 99% of the file, and it’s pending, WTF!
- I’ve tried the prescribed fix for this by booting into safe mode & rebuilding the database, with no success… the next step is to factory reset, & I’m not willing to do this for a single game, maybe just install it on my PS4 instead.
Know there are sometimes issues with new consoles, but these are not cool, and I’m not even going to mention the repetitive crashes of Cyberpunk 🙁