Ubuntu Gnome
I’ve been using linux for quite a few years, and Ubuntu has been my main distro, gnome my favourite flavour.
Like any relationship we’ve had our ups and downs.
It didn’t start off well, setting up wi-fi was a nightmare in the early days, but then along came Unity.
Now don’t get me wrong, Unity isn’t a game stopper, I’m using it now on 12.04 as I find it more stable, for my set up, but I’m always thinking of Gnome.
And now my Linux prayers are answered, for 13.04 there’s Ubuntu Gnome
Upcoming Features for 13.04
- While Ubuntu GNOME 13.04 will ship with GNOME 3.6 by default (like 12.10), GNOME 3.8 will be available in the GNOME 3 PPA.
- Mozilla Firefox will be the default Web browser, instead of Web (epiphany-browser).
- LibreOffice will be included as the office suite, replacing AbiWord and Gnumeric.
- Ubuntu Software Center and Ubuntu’s Software Updater will be available for use instead of GNOME’s software application.