Oct19 new games to library
2 new cheap PS4 games to my collection this weekend, and I actually went into the store to pick up both of them… if the price was right
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands
I picked this up at launch, but returned it the same week as it wasn’t doing it for me at the time.
As there’s a new version [containing all DLC?] I picked up a second hand version for cheap. I’ve dived back into the campaign and am enjoying it as a quick pick up and blast. I like the expansive open world and no set story… I’ve been playing Last of Us and find it a bit too on-rails for my liking.
Many years ago, before I hacked together this blog, I bought Prey for the XBOX 360. It sat on my shelf for a long time, having being played very little. One day motivated by a forgotten reason I picked it up and played it through over several sessions while off work sick. I loved the evolution and unveiling of the plot, I didn’t see it coming.
All I’ve heard about the remake of Prey are great things; it’s a game that can be taken on in different ways, the soundtrack is immersive [thanks nameless lady in Game Shop], and it’s a great space opera horror… & did I mention it’s by Bethesda!
So for ~30 bucks I’ve picked up 2 quality titles that should keep me going until I can’t resist Death Stranding 🙂