Journey free
is coming free to PS4 PS Plus members in September, w00t 🙂
Together with Lords of the Fallen; from what I’ve read is Dark Souls like… not sure how to take this as I’ve yet to get far in a Dark Souls title, due to lack of time and ‘git gud’ ability… must revisit DS3 & Bloodborne
Awesome! Journey
has shown up for free in the Playstation store today for the PS4… wonder if the PS3 save will carry through; although I doubt it?
The ambience
the controls tutorial; I so hope there’s a VR version / sequel
Together > Alone
I missed out from having a companion in the game the first time through… as in missed missed the whole motivation and loved up emotional draw / attraction of the title.
I’ve played a the first few stages and know this time through will be different; it has excelled the title from cool to awesome … same game but different, even though I’m still not 100% sure what’s going on 🙂
Edit: I’ve now played with several players who didn’t understand the benefits of working together, and it becomes quite a sad experience.
To paraphrase PaRappa the Rapper; to make the most of this game all you gotta be is nice and friendly 😉