Raspberry Pi Twitter Bot


In a moment of weakness I ordered a Raspberry Pi 3 last week, on the basis that my current original Raspberry Pi is a little too slow.

I pretty much stopped playing with it after the USB stick / drive I was using bricked, so this weekend I’ve powered it up again and I’m quite impressed.

I’ve overclocked the Raspberry Pi to Pi2 settings, although not sure what this means except it’s running quite well:

1000 MHz ARM
500 MHz core
2 overvolt

I’ve set the Raspberry Pi to connect to Tor on boot,and run a couple of Python scripts 🙂
One posts how long the box has been live, and the temperature it’s running at, the other retweets any mention of SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and EGGS!

If you’re interested here’s the account: @PiCookingTime
I’ll post the code if anyone is interested, although it was all plagiarised from great thinkers online 🙂