New Zealand Lord of The Rings film location map


I’ve been a huge fan of Tolkien since my pre-teen years. I remember distinctly how my imagination was provoked the 1st time I read The Hobbit, blown away by the amazingly original Lord of the Rings movie (1978) [I’ll pick that ball up another time], & then enthralled by not just the novels of LoTR’s, but the Middle Earth role play source books which created an entire universe with graphic details of culture, languages and history.

& then 15 or so years later the remake of the films finally arrives. Old fans have their passions rekindled, but now Tolkiens legacy is introduced to millions more. Peter Jackson, with Weta studios, has created a digital vehicle for those not won over by JRT’s prose & verse… please don’t forget the songs & rhymes! (why no Tom Bombadil!)

So reading Reddit this morning, I found a thread asking:

LotR film locations, do I need a guide?

with the top reply:

[–]Im_a_cunt 8 points 1 day ago
Here is one I found:
Edit: to answer your question, you should be fine finding them yourself, that link has coordinates.

Taking a look at the supplied link, one finds said list of places to visit & co-ordinates.
Now due to the messing about I’ve been doing with google fusion & geocodes, as soon as the word co-ordinates appears on screen, my data radar starts beeping, & thus we have the map below; a list of locations to visit in New Zealand where scenes from the LotR trilogy & The Hobbit series of films were shot.

New Zealand Lord of The Rings film location map

Larger map
Click on the dots for location information regarding

  • where in Middle Earth
  • where in New Zealand
  • which movie scene
  • the map co-ordinates
  • how to gain access to the site
  • I’ll keep updating the map, especially once The Hobbit has been released.
    Please pass on any missing sites you’d like to share.

    Here’s great web site from 100% Pure campaign: Lord of the Rings
    & a cool graphical scroll list from