Google Keep
I’ve been on a quest to find a decent note taking app for my Android phone for some time.
I’ve tried several, but for the past few months Google Keep (get it here on Play) as shone through.
Feature I like about Google Keep
… although not necesarily unique to the app
- ease
- it just works, although I’m not a fan of the widget, but then again Power Control is the only non icon on my home screen
- alarms
- and not only the easily set time alarm, with the cool google time picker, but the location alarm… you tell it to alert you when you arrive somewhere, and it has a cool delay of opting to alert you the next time (+1) you go back
- colours
- tabs can be coloured in, I use an importance scale graded on the spectrum; red critical, to violet casual
- list boxes
- i enjoy the satisfaction of ticking off completed tasks… or more usually items to pick up from the supermarket
- photos
- whenever I lend out a book or game, I take a photo or the recipient and keep it as a note
- voice
- this is a grey area of benefit; notes can be kept as a sound track, I like to enter them via google’s speech recognition as text
- multi-platform
- I get to my computer at work I can add notes, all my Android devices can see them, and Ubuntu even has a Keep lens
[Rating: 4]
To download from Play store scan here 🙂