Horizon Zero Dawn bites the dust
w00t Horizon Zero Dawn complete, and what a journey 🙂
I’m a little split on how I feel, perhaps one of the best open World games I’ve had the privilege to play, certainly ranks up there with Skyrim and Ocarina of Time.
Deep story, thoughtful various characters, detailed graphics, quality character acting, intuitive combat, and the farming didn’t feel like a grind.
After ~70 hours of game play I was ready for the end, so not sure if I did the right thing resisting purchasing the DLC… guess you don’t miss what you never had 😉
I would recommend Horizon Zero Dawn to anyone, in fact think I’ve pissed off workmates by raving about the game over the past few weeks as they own XBONES
So what do I play from my list next?
Bloodborne is always calling, just the DLC to complete before the final battle, but I’ve had an itch to go back to Bethesda’s Fallout 4, and I should tick off Shadow of the Colossus… I’ll sleep on it, and ponder it through the day 🙂
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