Search Results for: openai

OpenAI GPT-2 1558M has arrived

Excited to hear about the release of Open AI’s 1.5 Billion GPT-2 model, had to take it for a test drive. Couldn’t produce a trained model on my own text as yet, but I did manage to load the 1558M model into Google Colab and run a couple of conditional samples. I grabbed the text from a Guardian articles on the flooding in Doncaster: Severe flood warnings remain in Midlands…

openai GPT-2 345M parameter songs

Great news from openai regarding their GPT-2 model, they’ve released their 345M parameter version 🙂 GPT-2 Interim Update, May 2019 We’re implementing two mechanisms to responsibly publish GPT-2 and hopefully future releases: staged release and partnership-based sharing. We’re now releasing a larger 345M version of GPT-2 as a next step in staged release, and are sharing the 762M and 1.5B versions with partners in the AI and security communities who…

openai gpt-2

Another openai project I’ve been playing with is gpt-2: Code for the paper “Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners” Synopsis, you give the bot a text extract and it responds 🙂 I’ve been through the process of creating a local Docker and running this script, I’m far from understanding the complexities bit here is a demo: python3 src/ –top_k 40 Model prompt >>> I’ve been through the process of creating…

openai vizdoom

I’ve been playing with a couple of openai projects OpenAI’s mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity. We’re a team of a hundred people based in San Francisco, California. The OpenAI Charter describes the principles that guide us as we execute on our mission. I’m really intrigued by their retro gym projects; teaching an AI to play classic video games… although I haven’t tried this…

New Digital Home

After quitting Twitter in December, yesterday I closed my Reddit account, for a new digital home in the Fediverse: Mastodon It’s going to be intersting to see how the communities evolve, I’m already seeing some of the more devisive themes being represented. Meanwhile I’ve been playing more with Google Bard, OpenAI Chat-GPT, and Bard; their functionality impresses me on a daily basis. From having discussions with the bots, having them…

15 things that you didn’t know about blockchain

15 things that you didn’t know about blockchain 1. Blockchain technology can help reduce fraudulent activities. Blockchain technology creates a secure, decentralized database of transactions that can be used to track anything of value. This could potentially help reduce fraudulent activities, as it would be more difficult for criminals to alter the records. Additionally, the transparency of the blockchain could also help to deter fraud, as all transactions would be…

10 reasons that Elden Ring is the greatest video game

10 features that make Elden Ring greatest video game of all time… maybe 😆 1. The game’s mechanics are incredibly deep and complex, making it a challenge to master. 2. The game world is incredibly immersive and detailed, with a vast array of things to see and do. 3. The story is incredibly well-written and engaging, with a cast of interesting and likable characters. 4. The game’s atmosphere is absolutely…

ML does Mario

I came across a model that intrigued me enough to trial last night, a machine learning model that speed runs through Super Mario Brothers, cool eh? Here’s the git uvipen/Super-mario-bros-PPO-pytorch Introduction Here is my python source code for training an agent to play super mario bros. By using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm introduced in the paper Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms paper. Talking about performance, my PPO-trained agent could complete…

GPT-2 1558M Github link

Here’s a copy of the code I have working for the OpenAI GPT-2 1558M model A couple of changes to the source code that were required to get it to execute: tensorflow-gpu==1.12.0 wouldn’t work, updated to: !pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==1.16.0 updated to: model_name=’1558M’