Fast cars, zombies, and probably guns


2 new games to try this week, from 2 different genres:

Fast and Furious ShowdownFast and Furious ShowdownOnly one rating on Metacritic, 25 points by IGN
This could be the worst game ever, looking forward to it 🙂
Resident Evil RevelationsResident Evil RevelationsCirca 80% Metacritc score.This might be the game to get me through the wet weekend

I have not played any driving games after my PS3 hard drive was corrupted and formatted, I could not face putting in all of the hours on Need for Speed again, and it saddens me to think about Driver San Francisco 🙁

So I’m quite looking forward to Fast and the Furious, although I’ve heard nothing of it.

Resident Evil however has a lot of work to do for me. After Resident Evil 6.
I know it was easy on the eyes, it is just after all these years of making games, you would think Capcom could get the controls working like a dream.